Floofin' in March

Yes, it’s finally arrived. March! I can smell spring, I can actually hear the birds tweeting as I write this and I can genuinely feel my body stretching out- finally, maybe, getting ready for potentially not being in lockdown for the rest of our lives! Although it feels a little anxiety-inducing, it is also super positive!

February was incredible. Thanks to all of your support and bouquet purchasing and sending we managed to raise nearly £100 for Bloody Good Period!! It felt so great to donate the money on the 15th and the charity was over the moon, so thank you all- massive pats on the backs to you!

March is looking to be another whopper with International Women’s Day and Mother’s Day just a week apart from each other, I really hope I’ll be rushed off my feet preparing seasonal beauties for you all. I would like to say that I know Mother’s Day is a really difficult day for some gorgeous people, it’s a complete trigger, and the whole day and run up to it can be incredibly tough. If you are hurt or finding this time difficult, please do reach out. There are some incredible charities and helplines out there. Cruse, Grief Encounter and Good Grief are just a few that seem to be in particular focus for this time.


What else has been going on at the garage?

It’s not always Butterfly Ranunculus and Rainbow Roses here at Garage, at the end of the day a job is a job and it can get on top of you and become really anxiety-inducing. I really struggled this month with my mental health, and I think the super cold weather was a little catalyst for that. We’ve all been trying to navigate through the pandemic and continue to show support and love and sometimes that just gets too much. Until Monday 22nd Feb, we didn’t get much from the news so it felt like maybe we’d be in winter and lockdown forever. Thank goodness for the few sunny days we did get recently, and the timeline that Boris has planned out! I feel slightly more hopeful for the future and am really looking forward to getting back to swimming, seeing my family and generally re-learning who I am and want to be outside of a global pandemic.

I’ve focused a lot of my energy this month on my mental health. There’s a real joy in working with flowers to keep your above water, but the early wake-up calls, the frozen feet, and working on your own does play on your anxieties. I guess, my point is that if you’ve struggled the last month or two- I feel you! And it’s all fine and valid, and actually, if we just reach out to friends, family, the local pigeon, or your park tree then something is bound to hear you and say what you need to hear… even if it’s nothing.

Also, I’ve been doing pilates once a week with a most incredible teacher Aimee (see bottom of page for more details) and that has really helped! Along with major long walks with my partner, ridiculously bubbly baths & A LOT of gifs and memes sent in the family WhatsApp! Oh, and all the food! The recipes and vegan treats have been a constant reminder that life is good.

As far as flowers are concerned the cold weather meant that a lot of the spring flowers were just too cold to be cut. The daffs were a little slow, the tulips were in short supply and such high demand, the narcissi was great but I think people get a bit bored of the same flower every week, and I have been desperate for the ranunculus and anemones to come back. I was having my fingers crossed at the market every week for different types of daffs, but they just weren’t coming… but in the last week, it’s all changed. The warmer weather and no frost in 10 days has meant the British spring flowers are starting to bloom, and coming to your vases!

Flower Of the Month

Right, well, as always this is a most difficult task. I find when I come to writing this bit I sort of play eenie, meenie with my choices. But I know that I can’t not chat about this flower because it has featured in every bouquet for the last 6 weeks. The mighty, changeable, stunning and just downright long-lasting-legend THE TULIP.

Tulips are SUCH fun to buy! Such choice! And, if you are a gardener/ green-fingered/ was forced to plant bulbs when you were smaller because you didn’t have a TV… then you know watching a tulip bloom is beyond exciting. From the green stems pushing up in ridiculous weather, to the bud forming, to the moment when it shows a bit of colour in its bud and petals, to when it starts to unfurl and to when it fully blooms and we just watch it sway in the wind until eventually it’s had its time and it curls over and crisps up, ready to be dug up for another year. Nature’s beauty, you just can’t rush it!

The bunches at Wined Up Here and Caseys regularly have tulips in them, and will continue to do so as British tulips are really starting to come into their own! I normally buy ones grown from British legends Smith & Munson, a tulip grower and distributor world-renowned for their tulips! A little tip- they do also send out individual bunches in these really loved cardboard cylinders which make an amazing gift!

ALSO, tulips are a game-changer in a bouquet. There are so many different varieties in so many different colours AND they grow upwards and onwards, like anemones, when cut and put in water. So, when you get a mixed bouquet and tulips are in there, you’ll find that after a day or two they’ve moved and have grown taller and out of the bouquet. That’s why, when you make a bridal bouquet with tulips, you either have to readjust it on the day if you’ve made it the day before or make the bouquet on the day! Little nugget of info there for you.

The best way to look after your tulips when you get them is to:

  • to strip them of their lower leaves, which can tend to be a bit floppy.

  • clean the stems of any sand/ soil that have been caught in the leaves you’ve removed.

  • cut the stems at a 45-degree angle and pop them into cold, clean water.

  • place them in a taller and slimmer necked vase, if you want them to stay upright. If they’re a little droopy, wrap them tightly in paper and stand them in deep water overnight OR apparently copper coins help to straighten them out too.

  • change the water often, I’d say every day if you can.

  • Finally, if you feel you need them at their peak for a party/ zoom chat/ photo opportunity- then peel the tulip petals back very gently and the whole flower head will pop open. You’re essentially opening it to its maximum, and they don’t mind if you do it. ENJOY THOSE BABES!

So, as always some photos of my faves, and some taken by one of my favourite floral friends … the incredibly talented Emma Whitworth.

Special Bouquets this Month

So, this month I’ve got two special bouquets coming out. One is for IWD and I’m opening delivery slots of Sunday 7th and Monday 8th for them. Bunches filled with delicate and fluffy mimosa, beautiful white tulips and spring daffodils- all wrapped in eco friendly paper as always and delivered contactless to your door. It’s a beautiful bunch to let your favourite women in your life know that you appreciate them, love them and generally will buy them a bouquet of flowers every now and then because you can! Pre-order here

There’s also Mothers Day Bouquets, delivery slots on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th too. And I am going for it this year, I am doing all the favourite garage colours. Pinks, peaches, yellows, oranges, greens, whites and mixed British green foliages- probably some delicious blossom if i can get my hands on it. I’m thinking scented hyacinth, lilac, British daffodils, minstral anemones, double tulips, ranunculus and all the best of the best quality from local suppliers and the market! Pre Order here!

Please keep in mind- I’m a one-woman band, and so I will only have a certain amount of stock available. I have to buy in advance and fill in all the gaps before we get close to these big days, so I would so appreciate your advance orders! Thank you!

A Proposal

I was asked by a very sweet customer to install a floral display in their back room for a proposal. It was curated to perfection with my client making sure their partner was out of the house on time. I filled their room with masses of spring flowers and created an intimate romantic setting for the couple to get engaged in the amount of time it took her to go for her daily walk. It was SUCH a pleasure to be a part of and made me miss events a lot. I really can’t wait to get stuck into more floral madness toward the end of the year! Here are a few pictures of this sweet install!

Little Business Shoutouts

As always, I have two businesses I want to introduce you to this month.

Firstly Move Through Pilates. Aimee teaches pilates currently through zoom meetings, and somehow still manages to make them not only enjoyable but also she can focus on your moves and can correct you. I know she can’t wait to get back teaching 1:! in real life, but Aimee is an incredibly talented teacher and focus each lesson on your and your body, personally. She offers group sessions and discounted lessons just for you to get a taster! Have a look here and see if you fancy having a go! See you there!

The second business I want to shout about is Martyna Makes. Martyna is a London-based graphic designer. Using bold lines and block colours to make images and phrases into a design, she has a unique and incredibly cool style. She takes a funny phrase or a positive affirmation and creates a whole poster design from it, and I just have totally fallen in love with her work. I’ve bought numerous prints for myself and for friends, and would definitely recommend checking her out ASAP… she even has a sale on her some of her older designs! So be quick! Click here for her insta !!


Looking forward to seeing some of you this month from your doorsteps! Stay safe & keep well!